Can you manage knowledge?
Currently, knowledge is the basis of competitive advantage in any organization.
What do you dedicate?
Knowledge management
The challenge of organizational management is to squeeze and make all knowledge, all the know how of the minds that make them up.

While the Internet has evolved into a participatory and collaborative environment where knowledge is central. In the Web 2.0 knowledge becomes public, it becomes common and is gradually improving.

In this sense, has spent years researching Sdweb philosophy and web 2.0 tools for application to specific environments, organizations.

Today we offer a way to manage knowledge:

  • Integrated, through software eHabilis
  • Shared, not duplicated elements
  • Hierarchy, according to the criteria in the consultancy
  • Segura, depending on user profiles

eHabilis help you solve these problems:

  • A multitude of tools to live with little or no integration
  • Bad data and duplicates
  • Unclear information flows to the members of the organization
  • Information flows redundant or ineffective
  • Unit email

This is how we work


Sdweb S.L. Santiago de Compostela - Barcelona